Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nama lagi hospital, mestilah berhantu!


Sheera :
" Kau dapat Hospital Klang? Serius? Kawasan tu agak keras tau, I mean sangat. Hospital Klang ni banyak cerita, kau cari rumah sewa lah, jangan tinggal dekat hostel "
"Hati-hati la. Tempat tu lama, sangat lama "

Ni pulak dari BF Farhana :
" Dalam banyak2 hospital, Hospital Klang lah paling berhantu sekali "

Husna pula : " Oit hospital memang lah banyak hantu "

Mariam : " Kau bawak lah Yassin "

Myra : " Hantu apa yang kacau ko? "

Siapa lagi nak tambah????? Korang memang suka bagi hidup aku miserable. Uwaaaa...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Night Mode

Tadi saya nampak banyak sangat polis trafik, kenapa ni???Rupa-rupanya ada shooting Impak Maksima.. kot


Saya baru membeli sehelai dress dari damn malu nak admit tp wtf? persetankan! UpTown. Ye harganya hanya rm45. Saya tahu mungkin dress itu jauh beza kualitinya dan harganya dari dress2 di Dorothy Perkins atau Miss Sixty. *sigh* "Aku broke nie, xmampu lahh. Aku harus tabah"

Saya tak mahu upload di sini,kerana anda semua mungkin akan gelakkan saya dengan kain murah ini.Tapi itu semua saya tidak peduli kerana bila saya sudah pandai jahit nanti, saya akan quit spending and instead, I'll make my own. Yeay!!

Oh ye.. Skil menjahit saya makin meningkat. Hahaha ape jenis ayat ni?? Saya dapat tempahan okay.Inilah hasil2 nya.

Studio menjahit

PerluKeMention? - Serius aku da terer. Satu pencilcase aku boleh buat less than sejam lah. Hebat lah tu kan??? Faster clap hand!

MonologueDalaman : A- bloody Vye. Poyo nak mampos! Setakat jahit pencilcase pun kau nak kecoh satu kampung................ B- " xpe2,kau kutuk lah aku, nanti aku da pandai jahit, baru kau sujud aku lama-lama".... C- "haih bile aku nak pandai menjahit ni"

Friday, February 20, 2009

A taste of friendship and Kajang phewiitt

Last week, ChaCha mengomel2 yang dia pandai buat unbaked cheesecake. Kami semua xpercaya, lalu dia pon berkata
"Okay korang datang rumah aku next week,aku leh buatkan"
Jadi kami pun pergilah.. (xpercaya ni sebenarnya)
Heheheheh xde lah. Actually, ChaCha saja2 nak jamu kami makan, since die dah kene balik Aussie next Tuesday.
~ ~

**Lihat apa ChaCha jamu kami**

Siapa2 yang boleh buat semua ni sorang2, tanpa bantuan, sumpah korang da qualified kahwin. ChaCha buat sorang2 okaay?
Apaw ngan Faiz dah terlantar kekenyangan kot. Muka xleh blah sorang2.



Terima kasih ChaCha dengan makanan yang sedap2. Minuman kau buat, yang aku ingat Yogurt tue sedap gila. Apsal kau buat sikit sangat??. Aku nak minum lagi selori.


P/S : Seronok gila exam dah abes. Tapi finals ade lagi. Azab gila minggu ni. Paling azab masa presentation Orthopaedic.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Elite neighbourhood.

Buchanan kini orang kaya. Memang kaya.
Cyfer pun dah kaya.
Ollie kaya juga.
Wattrie pun sudah kaya.
Hana, gendrowong, T.K, Maya, Wonderpet,Miss Sephia, Ciku dan juga Chanana.
Sekarang semua sudah kaya.
Selamat datang ke perkampungan orang-orang kaya / orang kaya-kaya.
Jangan tipu selalu.
Nanti cepat bosan.
Main dengan jujur okay.
RandomNote: Grey' Anatomy and Private Practise crossover, please make sure to watch another episode of Pvt Practise after one hour episode of Grey's Anatomy. Its two hours altogether. Grey's first, then Pvt Practice. Okay? And wait for another crossover combo this week. *woot woot*.Lookin good!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Black Ninja finally got some manners!

Who is the black ninja??? Okay okay.

After a while, Ive been putting my pet a very looong lunar mood, I think its time for my pet to get some fresh clean new identity.


The cocky dragon boy!

The awesome black ninja boy

On top of that, the black ninja is finally gain some manners. He pooped at toilet.

Uwaaa you so sweet when you poop like that. LOIVE it. (Buchanan's a pervert. He has female potrait in the bathroom? wtf?)

Okay. Now lets check what's hot in stores this week (aku outdated gila,orang lain dah borong semua kot. Allaaa sorry la. Tuan Buchanan ni ade exam okay).

Temptingly attractive. I'll buy them all. Im rich what, wtf?

Pizza sampai 120? mahal gila!

Air-conditioner? Handphone? Auwwwwwwwwww...

A white jacuzzi??!!. *woot woot*

Buchanan should be thankful having me as a wonderful mate. Look what I've been showering you.

A piano. (Hallo piano mahal okay and only available in expensive Mystery Box)

The stairway-to-heaven *woot woot*
And a handphone. Yeay!!!
I bet if my mom knew about me and this whole Buchanan thingy, she would totally say " Cik, boleh tak jadi orang dewasa??!".
I'd say " Mak, this thing is very in tau sekarang. Orang lain pon buat what?!?"
MonologueDalaman : I bet mesti korang dah sick gile baca pasal Buchanan whole shit thingy ni. Xpe, nanti aku da bosan aku quit la. For the moment, just bear with him and me.
NOTE: Buchanan isn't gay. wtf? He likes woman okay. Lots of them!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Girls Day out + Sleepover!

If someone were to call 'tak sedar diri', I am!

Okay okay. Here's the thing, I'm having midterm test this coming Monday, while everyone else already locked their sweet ass and start studying,memorizing, yadda yadda, I shamelessly spending my precious time go shopping,watching movie most importantly spending money (did I mention like crazy?) yes like crazy!

I beg, can someone please shut down Pavilion and demolish the entire BB? (just kidding,oh please jangan buat begitu)

A part of me,thanking God for having a very good time with those girls. Huhuhu no matter how much money spent. Why lahh Pavilion is so tempting?

Btw, Annes thanks for your review about Tony Roma's. I loive it!! aku xcuba lamb chop die yang kau kata terbaik tu lagi, maybe next time. Aku just ordered sandwich die aje, itupun perut aku dah nak terburai. Nanti kau balik kita pergi sama2.

Quoting vYe : Tony Roma's terbaik!!!

1st anniversary?Pelik! Agaknya actual birthdate ngan certified birthdate die lain kot.

Damn,apsal muka aku camtu?

@ Tony Roma's

I should quit now and go study. *sigh*

P/S: My sis bagitau, jangan tengok cerita Melayu kat wayang,membazir. Saya setuju. Tapi hari tu kami pergi tengok jugak cerita GENG. I have to say that, itu animasi terbaik yang berjaya dihasilkan oleh anak Malaysia. Bravo! Saya bangga jadi anak Malaysia. Prof Razak Mohaideen, sila menggigit jari sekarang... Kau punya cerita semua tahap tong sampah!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The cute part of Meredith Grey

"Maybe he's just doesn't wants my babies. Because my babies will have Alzheimer and suicidal attempt disease and split ends. "

For the very first time I can see the sweet and cuteness part of yours rather than the slutty and always bitchy-ing part. Huhuhuhu..

P/S : OMG!!! I love the part where Christina and Owen Hunt communicate without talking . LOIVE IT!!! Makes my heart goes WOW!

Mak, abah. If you still wondering why I dont have a boyfriend. He is the reason!!

*woot woot*

+ Catch next episode, for the very first time two siries, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practise collide to make the greatest history of mankind (sumpah aku exaggerate!). The crossover (yeay!). Hmmmmm barulah makes sense that McDreamy's plan about proposing Meredith but he received an urgent call from his ex-wife Addison. Apparently she needs his help to save her brother's, Archer's life and setting up this week's crossover special( source from grey's anatomy insider).Bring it on ,Addison. *woot woot*.

I bet Shonda Rhimes is running out of ideas to keep the viewers and from pronouncing that the show is dead since rumours tells that T.R and Katherine threaten to leave the show. Bodoh gila kau Shonda, kalau aku pon dah threaten nak quit if kau bagi aku role orang separuh gila cakap dengan hantu. I tell you what, if Katherine leaves, i'll quit watching!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Maybe just a crappy thought

Melihatkan keadaan kucar kacir di negeri tumpah darah aku.aku terpanggil untuk menyepahkan pendapat aku juga.

Aku sedih,serius aku sedih. Sebab politik, sebab jawatan, sebab rumah, sebab kereta, satu negeri boleh jadi kucar-kacir.

Masa kita sekolah dulu,setiap hari Isnin ada perhimpunan rasmi. Setiap Isnin juga lah kita ikrar Rukunegara. Setiap Isnin kita berikrar

Mana pergi semua janji-janji kita. Mana pergi kesetiaan kepada raja?. Mana pergi kesopanan dan kesusilaan? Sikit-sikit tunjuk perasaan.Baling batu,baling botol.Nak baling apa lagi? Semua ini untuk apa? Jawatan besar?Kereta?Rumah?.

Correct me if im wrong. But still, I am not judging, Im just expressing thoughts.Lagipun siapalah aku nak judge hal-hal politik ini. Nama menteri Kabinet pun aku xpass semuanya. Dulu sebelum SPM aje hafal beria-ria supaya boleh score A1 BM.Lepas SPM,aku lupa terus.Nasib baik BM aku A1.

Aku just tak suka dengan apa yang dah jadi. Mungkin banyak benda yang aku tak tahu. Tapi apapun,aku xsuka kucar kacir ni. Botol dan kayu berterbangan. Pakcik-pakcik tua berkain pelekat baring tengah2 jalan. wtf?. Naya betul kalau kain terlucut or terangkat. Serius aku tak enjoy tengok.He he he he.

Ini bukan drama bersiri.Kalau drama bersiri pun,aku harap ini episod akhir. Kalau filem sekalipun, aku harap dah nak sampai ending part. Sebab aku rasa jelik nak tengok wayang gambar ini sampai habis. Tolong la act macam orang berpendidikan dan bertamadun. Haih korang ni.Aku tak tahu lah perkataan hina macam mana lagi aku nak sembur .

So,pulangkanlah Perak ku yang aman,yang tenang, yang permai,yang hijau, yang sunyi,yang sepi ,yang indah,walaupun banyak gila budak2 poyo yang baru nak up. Kerana aku menyayangi tanah kecil ini. Cheewah!

Oh ye. And leave my dear Sultan alone. Dont mess with my handsome Sultan.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Aku tak suka lab

Lepas baca entry ini dari dLa,aku tersedar yang rupa-rupanya aku memang bukan a type of lab person.

Aku punya lab coat yang aku dapat free semasa di kolej,memang masih cantik lagi. Putih walaupun sekali pun aku tak pernah basuh pakai Clorox ataupun satu lagi brand yang warna pink tu. (Apa namanya?). Even nak membasuh pun,rasanya setahun sekali je.

Aku tak suka lab. I mean lab lab. Aku tak suka semua benda yang ada macam-macam rules ni. Sebelum masuk kene pakai white coat, tak boleh pakai sandal, xboleh itu,xboleh ini. Kalau aku kena pergi lab,maknanya aku kena pergi fakulti. Aku xsuka pergi fakulti.Fakulti aku buruk. Toilet dia kotor( sebenarnya ok aje,tp serius aku bias).Cafe fakulti mahal.
Nasib aku baik, Tuhan memang sayang aku. Course yang aku ambil,memang xbanyak lab. Last time pergi lab pun, masa first year untuk subjek Physiology. Sekarang paling hebat pon, praktikal lab je dekat Makmal Kemahiran. Last2 nya, aku and Farhana end up dengan buat wheely dengan wheelchair kat blakang kelas.

Aku bersyukur sebab aku tak ambil Medicine, sebab kalau aku jadi medical student, mesti lah kene masuk lab. Tak sia-sia perasaan berbelah bagi yang amat sangat masa aku tolak tawaran RCMP dulu untuk ambil medicine. Mak tak bagi aku ambil medicine, mak suruh aku join Rehab Medicine. Mak kata boleh tolong dia masa mak dah tua nanti. Masa tu, aku nak sangat ambil Medicine, itu cita-cita aku sejak Form5. Nak jadi doktor.cikgu! Tapi bila pikir balik, mungkin apa yang mak cakap betul. Aku tak nak jadi anak derhaka.Orang kata, kata-kata ibu ni masin. Sekarang aku rasa memang masin mulut mak aku.

Nasib baik juga aku xambik BioTech. Sebab lecturer aku dekat Kolej yang mengajar Genetics selalu cerita kat kami time dia belajar dulu. Warna mata lalat pun boleh jadi issue,kacuk sana,kacuk sini. Dia kata, "separuh mati nak buat". Sebab itu lah, lepas je dapat result sem 1, aku terus tolak option untuk ambil BioTech masa isi borang UPU.Aku penakut,takut ambil cabaran.

Aku selesa dengan apa yang aku belajar. Aku belajar ilmu perubatan, which I love the most, (tapi selalu je xscore masa exam), dan dalam masa yang sama , aku xperlu masuk lab. Bagi aku sesiapa yang selalu bergelumang dengan lab ni, korang
  • rajin - sebab kena selalu buat lab report
  • penuh protokol -sebab kita semua maklum lab assistant selalu perangai cam bitch. Additional note : yelah,sbb lab assistant mcm bitch, itu xboleh,ini xboleh, so kene behave dalam lab.
  • sukakan cabaran. Setiap experiment itu bagi aku sangat mencabar walaupun experiment mengenali cell membrane yang dibuat semasa Form4 dulu.
  • sanggup untuk menambah power specs bila-bila saja.

May God bless you all and the labs. Ahahahahha.

RandomStuff: Che Det punya entry yang ini, kelakar gila!! Love you lah, Tun.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Im suffering from PSA

I came across this blog, and I think that I may suffer from PSA (Pet Society Addiction). I am currently obsess with Buchanan's needs, collecting paw points, collecting more and more coins,dressing, feeding him, enlarge his social circle, make him poo and still waiting for the great GOLDEN POO *woot woot*. Pet Society is just disgusting which I loive the most.

According to the blog's author, there are few signs indicate that you may be at risk of Pet Society Overdose.
  • You feel intense pleasure and guilt when playing Pet Society.
  • You lie about how much time you spend on Pet Society.
  • You curse loudly at your computer when your pet falls during a hurdles race.
  • You neglect to clean your real house, favoring to decorate your pet’s house instead.

my room looks hell

  • Pet poo excites you.
Buchanan finally pooped

I would like to add some more

  • You wake up early in the morning just to check your daily lottery
  • You add anonymously those pets at cafe to collect more coints
  • You ask your siblings,friends, friend's sister, cousins, paklang, maklong, tok chik to join PS so that your pet can visit his/her.
  • You hardly push your pet to find coins between trees, ask him to jump rope, play frisbee, kick ball and also trying so hard to make your pet poo.
  • You feel terribly guilt whenever there is no internet access.

Ohh PS.Please give me GOLDEN POO.

Yes, I am obsessed! God, help me. Midterm in 2weeks time. (Slap me and send me to me mama).

P/S: Terima kasih kepada warga Kampung Sungai Merab, Bangi kerana memberi setandan setongkol seikat rambutan kepada saya.

Me rambutan

Monday, February 2, 2009

Saya seorang tailor

This isn’t my first time handling a sewing machine, mate.
Im a pro

Seriously, handling a sewing machine (I mean the antique one) could be brutal. As much as I can remember, the last time I handled an antique machine was during Form 3. Those were moments when we all had to submit some sorta Kemahiran Hidup punya kerja kursus for PMR. Gila lahh… Most of us got a tailor to complete their project. Alaa jangan tipu lahh.You all sure did kan?. But, my classmates and I xbuat tau. We were good student what?. We were very devoted spending our precious time with those machines. Ignoring how difficult it was for us to finish it, amount of sweat excreted, cursing words spoken, and amount of sins collected. With one reason, one mission – MENYIAPKAN TUGASAN YANG DIBERI DENGAN IKHLAS. Wtf?

Baik.Sila kembali ke pangkal jalan. Despite my creepy past sewing experience (Puan Zakiah garang siott) I found myself, again, having a need to master sewing skills – handle a sewing machine to be exact. Because later on we need to deal with various cases that we need to prescribe a thing call 'Pressure Garment' to patients. *sigh*. Why dont government just hire bunch of tailors and ask them to sit quietly at hospital then do their job so that I dont need to know how to sew that damn thing?
At class, we all just learn with those electronic one. Just press the pedal and ZAPPP, its done. Isnt tehnology just awesome??? So,when it comes to the antique one,I'll be the Queen of Terkial-kial lahh. Imagine, for the first 20minutes, I was like " Eh eh kenapa xboleh jalan nie?" , "Apesal benang dia putus?" , "Kenapa sekochi die stuck?" yadda yadda yadda. It wasnt my fault. I blame the technology. Yes you dear Mr Technology.
Btw, the reason i post this entry is to inform you all that I made my own pencilcase. wtf? cool huh???
So, naah my picture pretended tekun konon.
Imagine, with the cost of less than rm5, you can made 3pencilcases? I am sooo economic. Mwahahahaha.
**please enjoy these. I made them! Seriously!**

To be honest, these werent easy to make.I spent 2days in total. *sigh again*
Anyways, Im a taylor tailor!

Note: I shall thank to Mea for being my greatest trendsetter in the production of these pencilcases.